Monday, May 4, 2009

I've been away for a while. Thinking like no other. These days people seldom have time to spend on thought. Thoughts of anything other than their personal life. There is something to be said for altruism which apparently nobody likes to say. Much less practice. But that is another post.

Today I am going to breach the subject of the failing worldwide economy. To me it seems as if a long row a dominoes slowly toppling each other in slow motion.

On Bonuses:

It is absurd in my mind, and I should think most ordinary people would agree, that the people running these failing companies that we hear about (and the ones that don't) hardly deserve bonuses in the millions for their accomplishments. Some of these are passed off as "retaining bonuses". In other words, a sum of money to make sure the person stays with the position and does not opt for a better job. Bottom, most logical line, these people should have been fired as soon as the company started going in the red. Hockey coaches get fired sometimes after only one year of negative results. Ordinary people would be fired if they were responsible (which indirectly they are) for such massive losses in the respective companies. The fact that these people are getting bonuses in the multi-millions while their company is taking a dive says much more about the management of the company than the economic pressures and situation which supposedly brought them to this.

On Bailouts:

The only way a normal average person such as myself could condone a bailout of a company is if I truly believed that it would help the company and the economy as a whole. This is what they have tried to brainwash us with. Government spending in the hundreds of billions and ever trillion(s) is probably the least logical resort in my mind. It is an infusion of money into a system that already has burned all the money it had before through illogical and imperfect transactions and contracts. The problem is regulation as Mr. President Obama likes to put it. But he does not actually begin heavily regulating the bailout process. It has been simply a handout of an insane amount of money to the same people who have ruined their own capital and are now about to use the same (albeit slightly skewed due to Obama Gov. posturing) system that was a failure in the first place. Heavy regulation and a system of responsability and accountability is needed. It is talked about but not actually put into place as fast as one would like to see. The political ramifications and 'red tape' are the things that are impeding this change.

Others who would not truly need a 'bailout' are asking for it simply because they elligible.
Other companies recieve bailouts on the basis that the company will be "bailed out" only for this year and the year after this they will need another infusion of 'bailout' money.

GOLDEN RULE: Any and every company that recieved a bailout should in turn give property worth the same amout of the bailout capital to the government. Meaning the government should own whatever percentance of the worth of the company the bailout money signifies. If it is 100% or more, then the company becomes public and owned by the government.

This should be a golden rule. The implications are not as evil and Marxist as some poeple would have you believe.

This is in my mind essentially a GOLDEN RULE because it is fairly illogical for a company to be asking for government money. (Barring all the recent precedents.) No homeowner was bailed out when he couldn't pay his bills due to ineffective contracts, no small time business has been bailed out due to the insurmountable odds it is up against or its balance sheet. It is simply unfair and illogical to bailout ANY...ANY company.

The necessity arises and therefore we are doing it. Seemingly this is the fastest way out, but this is democracy and it is definitely NOT the fastest way to get out of the economical slump. In fact, is if the fastest way to ensure the economical slump to last for longer. The money spent on bailouts is borrowed money from international banks. This money will eventually have to come out of my, and your pocket. There is any number of things the governments could do to slowly bore their way into our pockets to get this money. It is ridiculous to expect anything more than getting taxed more and making less. This is how that money will be paid back, through the average Joe.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This democratic system cannot work because the masses decide what to do. Not logic. Not REASON.

This has been a rudimentary, non-edited opinionated post. I will be more specific and concise when speaking of this in the future.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prayer: Most will brand me pagan

It's almost impossible to escape, this matrix of hate,
When I see the world's way and my shoulders bare the weight.
There is no hope, only knowledge of a future and a better tomorrow,
My senses are the way to truth, and often need confrontation to awaken.
Forsaken for I don't believe what I've been told, early youth, wasted in the church's fold.
I heard myself is why I stopped, allowing something false to brand my thought.
Logic and reason,my sword and shield, truth my ideal and life my love.
Dragons be the cleric beasts, whose teeth have scarred my soul,
With guilt and deceit and lies of men, from which I must defend.
Life and limb I would sacrifice for truth, about their God and his inception,
Sense gives me my conclusion, it is but an illusion, unlike the self.
Some of us a gods, and some are fallen gods or devils, and we are all human.
I must account for my own actions, not look to the sky for answers,
I must not search a book for truth, but look into my soul for what is righteous,
I want to cause no harm, no pain, and teach the malevolent ones the same.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Israel vs Palestine - Synopsis Part 2

Truly, it would be completely illogical of me to say that the Israeli people should leave the area, since a great number of Jewish people have already made it their home. There is no one at fault here, the blame lies in many various places and in many different decades.
The key is to find a solution. What needs to be done is the separation of territory. The Israeli government should give back more land to the Palestinian people including the West Bank and Gaza Strip and stop building settlements in the area at once.

A major problem is the lack of cross-cultural education and the unwillingness of both parties to come to a fair compromising agreement. Palestinians refugees outside of the conflicted area count in the millions. This is a humanitarian issue, yet nobody sees it as such.
The Israeli government, which has the financing and support of the West for decades, should be the initiator of peace, the one who compromises first, the 'docile' one. Arguably, Hamas and Fatah are still very dangerous even if there is a declaration of ceasefire.

Some Arab nations will not tolerate Israel. This is wrong. There is a great amount of intolerance when it comes to differences in belief, and with the history of these two peoples, the intolerance has increased exponentially. Israel, with it's mighty military, is one of the big kids on the block. When the big kid bullies someone too much, there will be retaliation. This I would not like to see, another Arab-Israeli war.

The peace process must continue. If we did not take sides (i.e. billions of dollars to Israel, and only international aid groups to help Palestine) the mediation would go much easier. If we did not takes sides (Arab + Arab vs Israel)... Israel has not yet understood the truth of it's wrongful conception. But it must agree to live in peace, and not displace people who have been there since before there was a state of Israel. Palestinian factions must learn to stop using violence as a communication method. I think the world has understood them, or at least heard their message. Through me, the voices of both Israeli people and Palestinian people are heard, through you, they are helped.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Israel vs Palestine - The elephant and the mouse -Synopsis

This is a conflict unlike any other. Two states, one group of people removed from their forgotten homes, another group of people relocated for God's will and word. It is said that it is the divine plan. Presently, faced with aggressive government on one side and an allegedly corrupt prime minister on the other, the conflict can only get worse.
The two major factions of Palestine, Hamas and Fatah, have been at each others throats since 2003. Despite the fact that Hamas won the Palestinian elections in 2006, they have not been recognized and could not participate in official international negotiations in the past, and possibly in the future.
When WWII finished, Britain, after colonizing and trying to govern the region, and selling land to Jewish settlers(as the Ottoman Empire before Britain did) who have had it in their minds (according to the Hebrew bible) that the land which includes most of Palestine was promised to them, washed their hands of the region and handed the issue over to the UN(United Nations)

In 1947, the UN approved the partition of the area into two states(Israel agreeing but Palestine not). The general approval of Europe and the West no doubt had to do with the persecution of the Jewish people, and the fatigue of war. Thus grew Zionism and the Jewish settlement of Palestine and the dislocation of its people.
This dislocation of locals, subsequent settlement, conception and declared independence in 1948 of the state of Israel infuriated all Arab states in the area and erupted in various conflicts over the decades. Israel, with support from the west, has been victorious is most of these conflicts.

Surely, had a God been watching over us, this nonsense would have been the last straw. But since no divine intervention had come to aid, the Palestinian people formed the PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization)resulting in more military conflicts over the years that have seen changes in border lines, demilitarized zones, no fly zones, looming concrete barricades spanning kilometers and alienation of anyone by anyone who is of different creed.

In 1987, the First Intifada (Palestinian uprising against Israel occupiers) broke out. From this failed uprising, Hamas was born, which has been involved in armed resistance against Israel until now. In 2000, following the failure of the 1993 peace process, which saw no true agreements between the two states, the Second Intifada broke out, and has not officially ended. Hamas, the official-un-official government of Palestine does not recognize the state of Israel.

("What right did the Jewish settlers have to the land? Other than divine decrees. Other than the horrors of the holocaust, which does not give them the right to displace a people and take the land for themselves.")

Is it right or wrong? Objectively, seeing all these deaths for so little makes me cringe. What makes me depressed is that from a perspective of religion, again the blood of the innocent is spilled over what God may or may not have said according to man(key phrase here "ACCORDING TO MAN"). It sounds and is ridiculous. Logically speaking, the Israeli people have never had a right to that land and never will have a right to it, no matter how much money they paid the previous occupiers of that land.
I will make a small parallel. Imagine the United States started selling land in Iraq or Afghanistan to ... lets say... the Mormons because Joseph Smith wrote that it was the land of Mormons, information he acquired from golden plates found with the help of an angel, translated with magic stones.

Nevertheless, Palestinian support is lacking due to the aggressive stances they have had to take to keep their state alive. Without knowing the story we can not judge. Do not take my word for it. Please research the subject yourself. Israel is receiving billions from the west and European government, the Palestinian state seems willing to give itself up as a martyr. There is no balance.
Presently, Israel receives the majority of support because it is the most docile, the most forgiving and the most accepting when it comes to American demands and western culture.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Life is a box of chocolates! Oh really?

Life is like a box of chocolates. It is also like a tree, or a leaf, or a plane trip, or a vacation, or anything anyone can come up with. Metaphors can be vast and expansive or specific and useless. Life... is it just about living? It seems the true fact, there is no evidence to state that there is afterlife or even before-life, who am I and what will happen after death? Unconsciousness? It matters not, yet it is the most important question of life.

Death is something we all must come to terms with. So why is it such taboo? People shy away from talking about it. The ego in us that feels despair at the death of a loved one, despair at losing the positive effects of said person in one's life. That is the true problem, it impedes progress of the soul and the truth of acceptance of death and of acceptance of self. The ego, isn't a true form of human. Self is inherently tied into the mind, yet feelings are no simple matter and also tied into the ego, for both stem from the brain. The processes in the brain can be explained with time, the theories are truly irrelevant until we know all, and that will take an unknowable amount of time. What matters is what you believe. Men and women of all kinds who believe in a higher power other than themselves are fooling themselves, and each other. One can find one's own true power by searching within self, questioning and criticizing one's thoughts so as to reveal the true nature of self. And once the realization of the selfish ego is fulfilled, a road to enlightenment has been discovered. The realization that you are not powerless.

This realization comes from many things, but I will explain it through perspective. One may think that since we are so insignificantly small when it comes to the entire universe, we are inconsequential... this despair naturally brings forth a yearning for an explanation that will comfort us. To this I say:
Have we not come far enough to realize as a common fact that we could not possibly know, as we are now, whether or not there is a higher power.
My point is, that perspective does not matter, concerning oneself about the entire universe is useless, and the perspective of the mind must be changed to the truth. You are one being, on a planet, with other beings, and you've been given incredible powers. The power to speak, the power to walk and think, the power to outwit anything we have encountered. The power to analyze and the incredible power to feel. These powers are just like those of a God. We are all of us gods!

Respect comes from the definition of what a god is, after accepting the fact that you and everyone around you is a god, then one realizes that one cannot hurt a god, one need not hurt a god, because one is a god and why hurt the self?
Masochism is not a normal state. It is the disconnection and reconnection of the receptors of pleasure and pain through empirical experiences resulting in the mixing of these receptors and the eventual masochist mind. There are many minds that have problems, I dare say most do. These can range widely and it will not be purposeful to speak in detail about them. Needless to say that we can actually choose and decide not to become any of these minds, disgusting, feral, viral and corrupt minds, even after transformation into such a state. The decision must be followed through with help from your mind.
(I am speaking about people without chemical imbalances or any other affliction of the brain.)

The mind is a tool to follow up any intentions. The problem with it is that its capacity is so massive, that our self-characterized self does not feel it is able to cope with so many things, so many thoughts, so many feelings, when in reality, we can do that and much more through intent. Intent is a choice, it is a state of mind that is always in chaos, for we can only control it so far as we believe. And we are taught that sometimes things are beyond our control, which is wrong.
The practice of that train of thought will reveal people a new form of altruism. Not even altruism. Something that cannot be described because there are no words. Words can never come close to any real emotion, feeling, thought. There is a need to devise a deeper way of communication, including hand gestures, definition of tonality in speech, and language. That will not be done
without the will of the majority, and the embrace and evolution of Esperanto or a similar language.

The solution is so simple, am I blind?

It is not easy to change one's way of thought, but the fact that one chooses to realize that one must do so itself is half the battle and once a mind is open, new ways of thinking and new perspectives become clear and obvious, choosing a path that is right for oneself becomes as easy as it is to breathe. The idea grows in ones mind once they have accepted the idea of complete control.

The expression "god among men" is offensive to my nature. I am god, and so is every man/woman. God among gods is appropriate. Define god you ask. In a short simple phrase, which should require no explanation, god is life.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Beautiful Blasphemy

It's a time of war. We show our true present selves. Life is changing, but the waiting may not be fulfilled. Who knows? I know, for I am god, and you are god, and we are god. The fullness of it has not yet been understood by me, not yet. For to understand is to be, and to be is to fulfill waiting. To become god is to realize self. Not mind, for that is only a tool to grasp self, an truth which once grasped, can only grow. A man can live for centuries, but most die within the first. Understanding of self, is the first step, there are many. We are gods, and heaven is life and death, because immortality is ours, death is irrelevant. I am god, you are god, we are god.

Life, a chance to perceive, a chance to grow, eggs waiting to be hatched, a sunflower unknowingly waiting for a new dawn, realization is it. Words mean nothing because everything is everything, altruism, religion, politics are manipulations of the true god, self. Once waiting is fulfilled, love is the only thing left. Immunity to evil and wrongness is inevitable, we will use technology, yet not in the unwise way we abuse it today. Creativeness is a fullness of want. I want to create, because I am god, and I can create god. God is everything, distinction is relative only to dimensions, unfathomable.

The kings of the world are me, and you. The powers that we have have not yet been imagined, non empirical value needs more thought. I am the light I am the truth I am the fantasy. I am the earth I am your soul we are the energy. Don't let them fool you into thinking you are you. You are everything and so am I.

Life, death, sameness, it does not matter, immortality is at hand, has always been, because you have always been. Identity then becomes about creation. Creating things that bring us and others joy, that is the true nature of humanity. The true reason for being here is to experience joy. We are gods that have been given an environment to play with as far as our imagination and abilities take us.

Our abilities are endless, and limitless. A man can jump as high Superman and run just as fast, can heal himself and others, through thought.

Thought, a word which none of us has really understood. We use our minds to communicate, and we use the words to talk to others and ourselves. Yet most have not yet understood or learned the language of the soul, the language of self. For through that language lies the truth, and vile things will ... disappear.

We must destroy to create they say.
We must fight to bring peace they insist.
We need to starve to be able to eat, they lie.

Multitude of Ideas

Looking to the self brings an innumerable amount of feeling and thought, much of which is useless and wasted on the intelligence of man. Explanations for this waste and useless thought is irrelevant, for the source of it is largely different for every person, therefore looking into the origin of this thought, in a specific manner, would also be a waste of time.

Feeling. It is hard to define and describe feeling in any truly specific way. There are of course many words used for this purpose, although I think are mostly inadequate and the language of feeling is much more intricate. If only we had 'feel' receptors, or ways to sense what people were feeling other than the circumstantial ways we have now, life would be more true.
Feeling is simply just another tool. The instincts of feeling can be very useful at times but it is important to have control and be aware of them. For example, if I feel 'angry' , I can use that anger to my advantage for completing tasks more vigorously, yet if I am unaware of this anger feeling, for example if I just don't feel good(not realizing that my feelings stem from anger), I would let the anger control me and I would likely do things that would be uninhibited.

Inhibition is only useful if you have created it yourself. Taught, or trained inhibitions are detrimental because of their enormous effects. A properly trained emotion will do its bidding one hundred percent of the time. On the other hand, emotions that are not controlled and/or trained, can run wild and cause chaos within you and your life.

Words get in the way, sadly they our best means of communication. If words were defined strictly, communication would be much easier. A universal language is necessary for the understand of each other. We cannot evolve while we cannot understand each other. Languages all underline the feelings, customs of the specific country/area they were developed... The bigger problem is ego. Please visit

Ego, the perpetual sense of self, the it that everyone lives by, with the unstated argument that if "I" could not perceive or interact with the world, then the world would not exist. The obvious conclusion after giving this some thought for everyone should be that it is not the world that would not exist, it is the individual in the world. This conclusion wrongly implies that life is the beginning and end of all.

Without faith in the knowledge of immortality, the soul has no peace. This is why there is such interest in religion. The implication of faith in modern religion is that with obeying some arbitrary rules, one can live on in eternity in the afterlife. History has showed us that in difficult times, people need to believe in something supernatural and all-encompassing, seemingly because it gives them hope.
What is the answer? Faith of course, but no in some non-entity. But in humanity, in self without being egotistical, where self is all people, all life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Epiphany of sorts

The lives of men are spent in recognition of the fact that they cannot do anything they want, this is disastrously false.

The lack of understanding of our capabilities is tremendous. It is not a question of understanding humanity, it is a question of being human. We keep asking ourselves, what is it to be me? or who am I? It is not a question of empirical knowledge, it is not a question at all. It is a completely universal call for truth. y€ลก Language is an amazing thing. But verbal and written communication is sadly not very evolved, meanings are combined and scattered and definitions are ridiculous because of new concepts that lack original words.

No one can say they know and understand every word in any language, but if one such person did exist, does this mean they know every concept in human life? every action? every feeling? Of course not, there are many things that cannot be described by any language, an example of this is music, although one can argue that music is a language of symbols, but that is not what I am referring to. The actual sense of hearing, along with the other senses, can only be described as far as our written and verbal language has progressed. It is a sad fact that we are not really evolving our language, it is merely a mountain of words being piled up higher and higher.

What next you ask? Instead of looking outside; language, music, art, we should look within, so that when we truly understand what it means to be, we will be better equipped to create, understand and appreciate things like art, and knowledge. And we must take language more seriously it's beautiful simplicity is to survive.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


In life we develop many various relationships with many different people. With each friendship comes a boundary that evolves in tandem with the friendship. This boundary is defined by both people as they establish and show each other their comfort zones.
If you step out of these invisible boundaries or step into a comfort zone, there is little chance the friendship will flourish. As a friendship grows, so do the boundaries and comfort zones. Friends that have known you longer will allow you to step into their comfort zone and vice versa. Boundaries become much harder to break or step on. To understand this more easily I will try to define boundaries, and comfort zones.

A boundary is a spoken or unspoken rule, that all parties in a friendship know about and abide by. A new friend will not know the boundary and will occasionally step on it and apologize and recover or destroy it therefore becoming a stranger. An existing friend may step on a few or many boundaries before you decide to exclude them.
A comfort zone is more specific to each individual. Some might hate cursing, others drugs, others loud music and so on. People will tend to make friends who have similar comfort zones but will not completely shun others who might invade or be in conflict their zone(desire to experience new things).

Basically, boundaries are like walls and are not easily broken rules. Comfort zones are more like a line in the sand. It is much more serious to break boundaries.

The point of all this is to get you to imagine your own boundaries and comfort zones, and then realize that the majority are extremely superficial. We cannot help but categorize subconsciously everything we hear, and judge simultaneously; therefore we must consciously define our boundaries and ensure their righteousness. Not for my peace of mind, but for your own. Judgment is ongoing between social interactions. But it need not be so materialistic, banal and eternal. Change is inevitable, we must embrace it with our beings as we embrace a person with the same comfort zone.

Social skills are not taught or talked about in primary school, unfortunately they are learned arduously through interaction while in school, at work or at play. I will post more on this subject in the future.

Saturday, April 12, 2008



Has this been a farce? All our lives and the truth in plain sight, a truth so horrible I refused to believe it. A plan so devious and so malicious that we are already in the middle of it with complete ignorance at our side. Desperation at seeing facts.

Life as I knew it has ceased to exist. A new understanding and perspective has taken place. No I have not gone mad, the mere state would be a welcome change from consciousness. Being able to think has its perks. For example I can devise the difference between what I perceive to be lies and what I believe to be truth. Not much.

We have been fed lies and half-truths since the beginning of time, that will not change soon. We have been manipulated and coerced into ignoring acts of (and I coin the term) countrycide. Puppet masters, which are largely regarded as a myth, or fiction, are on their way to complete dominance. They are systematically taking the world apart so that they can put it back together in their mold. They as slave masters and we, the people, as slaves.
And that is exactly what we are doing. These 'Illuminati' are financially, politically and militarily controlling the world. Why have we done nothing? They are mere shadows.

The world of man seems so predictable. Surely we are destined to have a very small number of people make a very large number of important decisions of how everyone should live. And surely these men will decide that they are the rightful leaders and therefore should be given most of the assets, most of the money and most of the land.
Life without direction is meaningless. Should this direction be picked by each individual?
No, they say, look after you and your family, and that's that.
What of union? The complete organism of Earth. We as its children are equals in every sense of the term. Mankind is mankind. Blacks, whites, Hispanics, anyone from the east, everyone else, we are all mankind. We have evolved from the same cradle of life, yet we strive to differentiate between each other. Why? MANIPULATION and exaggeration.

Please take a few meaningful hours of your life to watch these movies.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Questionable Poem

What is a slave? You, Me.
Why are we slaves? Who? He!
They are among us.
The ones that plan. Why? Why?
You'll understand.
Total perdition, they crave for us,
We who don't match the red,
We who fight the mission.
Refusing to lay for dead,
We teach for those who listen.
Live for life, not for them,
If you choose to pray,
Don't ever say amen.
The light approaches shadow,
With time will come truth.
They will fail to fool us,
We who are familiar.
The Very ones we rule with spirit.
Laughing we will make condition.
We Do Control the situation.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Happiness and Sadness

Are happiness/sadness simply states of mind? Or something more?
The potential for happiness and sadness lies in you and the people around you. But euphoric feelings of Happiness and the gloomy of Sadness are under a person's complete control. Sometimes we cannot help what we feel, yet feeling is mostly thought in the physical form. And we can manipulate our thoughts.

When feeling unhappy most people do not look at the source, they only seek a cure for it. And when the source is scrutinized, the remedies obtained are in the form of outside influence, such as drugs, therapy, pseudo-art. All these to distract from actually confronting the feeling, in your mind, and obliterating it with thought.

This is not to say that you can simply rid yourself of grief as soon as you forcefully think to yourself happy thoughts. Simply that if you objectively analyze your thoughts and feelings, you will come to the realization that all sadness is self-centered and it should not be given so much consideration, for the sake of altruism. The feeling itself is the physical reminder that something is amiss, could be anything. And it is contagious. From the tone of a person to the way their eyebrows are perched above their eyes, one can easily tell is a person is sad or happy, and true to ourselves, we pity them and share in their pain or rejoice in their ecstasy, because it is only human.

These feelings can all be controlled by the mind. If you feel sad, you can literally think your way to happiness. If you were so inclined and able. Of course not everyone can muster enough will power to bring themselves up, and so we look to the outside for help, doing things we enjoy helps a lot, but we must watch that the things we enjoy do not adversely affect us.

Why is it that happy people, you know the ones, that always have a smile on their faces and are constantly in a cheery mood, why is it that these people are so contagious themselves. They light up any room they enter merely with their presence, other people around them being to smile. We have not really been able to explain the contagion of these two most basic feelings further than the human need to relate, yet it is present nonetheless.

The mind's power to perceive extremely subtle details is relatively unrestricted, especially in other human beings. Why do we turn sad when we speak with a sad person, and smile when we listen to a cheerful person. Is it the need to belong? The need to somehow have a deeper connection to the people around us? Or does the rabbit hole go deeper? Are there empathic ways that we project and perceive these feelings? These are questions that will undoubtedly be answered, in time.

In the end, Happiness and Sadness are but words, to describe a state of mind. But the factors influencing these feelings are under our control, and if only we were better educated on the subject, we could control our feeling more appropriately. Until then my friends, cry as you may, laugh as you will, but always remember, your mind is like a ship, with you at the helm.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Search For Answers in Religion

Ever since the beginning of time, man has pondered the questions of life. Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Is there a purpose? Is there a GOD? What is life?
Time and time again we have been shown that men who claim to have these questions answered, specifically clerics of various religions and other so called pagans, have been wrong. Whether through their own admission or through the advancement of Science, previously stated 'facts' have been replaced by Truth. I refuse to believe in the Supernatural. The word itself is a menace.

Power has been the goal of men for thousands of years. Clerics in ancient times wielded this power over the general population with miraculous explanations for questions yet unanswered by Science. This practice has evolved through the generations and it surprisingly still manages to gain followers, people of 'faith', and just plain gullible naive people.
With religion comes a set of morals, and more importantly, hope. Why is it that you generally find people of great 'faith' in some of the most atrocious living environments on the planet? Because people living in extreme conditions need to look forward to something. And in their sad existence, they see god as a last thread to hang on to. A last stand in the fight against the life they were dealt.

The real answers to the questions of life are not lying, undiscovered, in a book of 'faith'. They are for us to ponder, discuss and eventually conclude. We do not know anything of substance. We are a microscopic dot on a microscopic dot when put into a universal perspective. We have the power to think and debate the great mysteries, but we do not yet have the power to attain a certifiable conclusion. We simply do not know. Great minds have pondered these questions of life, the universe and everything, and have come up short handed. Because the answers are what we make them. Do not ask of another man what life is, ask it of yourself, and only then will you find true answers.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Art & Materialism

I will start this entry with a quote from a famous writer named Oscar Wilde.
"An artist should create beautiful things, but should put nothing of his own life into them."
This means that a piece of art should not reflect the life of the artist, it should be life itself. A piece of work so molded can fascinate many of its beholders.
We are bombarded ever day with 'art' as they may call it. Modern music, books and other forms of art have to do with every day life and usually reflects the artist, whether it be writer, sculptor, composer. We have seen love, joy, pain, anger, sadness, insanity and many other emotions forged into art. But the true masterpieces themselves don't evoke one or two of these feelings. They evoke all of them.
Materialism has become so much a part of our lives, we cannot see the danger or taboo of it. This being the case, it has made its way into our art, and will stay there as long as we do not recognize it. Some would argue that since art should reflect life itself, and since materialism is now a big part of many lives, then 'materialistic' art should not be such a bad thing after all. True, as long as we realize it is such and do not idolize or reward it too greatly, because it can never be a real virtue.

Saturday, December 15, 2007


We play and work with such enthusiasm. Until our bodies can take no more physically and mentally. Yet we strive to make our lives better, or more enjoyable. With each new advancement in technology we give ourselves more 'free' time. And this free time is spent doing things that make ourselves and others happy and relaxed.

Yet time is never truly free. We work for free time and would be lost if we stopped striving for this peace we allow ourselves every so often. We have gone, as the industrial evolution takes its toll, from simple farming from dawn to dusk, to filling our days with hundreds of complex and independent tasks that must be done simply to remain at our current status; socially, financially. And as the decades roll by, we find ourselves with more and more of our attention focused inwards, to keep ourselves from tumbling on the slope of life.

This is what I mean by fatigue. The tired ramblings on of societies that have lost perspective. Altruism is no longer the goal, with a curious pang of guilt I ask myself; 'Was it ever?' We have lost the perspective of the innocent, and materialism had become a deity of sorts. Given enough time, this phenomenon could completely desensitize us to our fellow human beings completely. And what would the world be without care and compassion, togetherness and acceptance.
We cannot allow this fatigue to put us to sleep or worse, self destruction. Morality and Altruism should be classes taught to school children. Because without constantly evolving education we slow down and/or stand still as a society.

Thank you for reading.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Double Standards

In this day in age, the idea of a double standard has become ... standard, so to speak. Even if most people do not agree with that fact in the name of equality, there is little we can do about it.
In any case, double standards are needed because of the fact that equality in our society is almost impossible. Attainable, yet far out of reach. We need to, as a race (and by race I don't mean black/white/oriental, i mean mankind) come to a greater level of self-understanding and spirituality. Materialism instead of altruism is what we are taught as children and what we preach as adults. And that is wrong.
We are all on different levels, plainly some higher on this imaginary scale than others. And we need double standards to attempt to bring everybody to the same level. Even if the ideal "level" has not been reached by anyone, we strive towards it and will reach it, eventually, far into the future, we will reach a point where we need no double standards because we are all truly equal. Most cases of double standards are ridiculous and absurd, yet it is a way for people to become more equal.
It also matters greatly who is deciding or declaring the types of standards to be applied, where and how. We cannot have a man who does not understand himself or what he is doing, make decisions that are important to all of us, and that is what is happening all around us. People make decisions not based on your perspective, but based on theirs, likely one that differs greatly from yours.
For example;
What do you call someone who explodes a bomb and kills innocent people?
– A terrorist.
What do you call someone who drops a bomb from a plane and kills innocent people?
– A brave Air force pilot
Two different points of view, both righteous from their own perspective, yet both wrong when one thinks outside the box.
So when thinking of double standards, one must be very careful what to criticize and which to endorse. And it is not as righteous as some think to completely deny certain double standards are not malicious in any way. A word used to often is oversight, we must redefine and apply it.

Thank you for reading.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Thoughts on Creation

As it is my first post, I thought why not start with the beginning. Here are some imaginative thoughts on creation and life.

Humanity as a race has always had the tendency to believe it is somehow special in the greater sense of things. We tend to believe this as a species, and as individuals.
Our knowledge of technology has grown beyond our ability to perceive. Some of us are still naive enough to think we have been created by an invisible man in the sky who has the best of intentions for us and will protect us.
This of course comes from the people that govern our many religious bodies. In return for salvation, they ask undeniable faith and loyalty with 'peace of mind and promise of salvation' as a reward. Many people believe God created Life, the Universe and Everything. And it gives them solace to think that He is out there watching down on us. I will speak of the true purpose in life for faith in a higher power in more detail in the future.
We were created, not by accident, as some say, but by inevitability. Had the events of the past not happened, replaced by conditions hostile to the development of man kind, we would not be here. Which is to state that the events of the past and present, dictate the future.
In my perspective, it saddens me that as a modern industrial/technological state(world), we are still blinded by what is out there, and we remain poisoned by ideas of two or more thousand years ago.

You might say we are in the process of waking up from a long dream filled sleep. Some sooner than others.