Sunday, January 25, 2009

Israel vs Palestine - Synopsis Part 2

Truly, it would be completely illogical of me to say that the Israeli people should leave the area, since a great number of Jewish people have already made it their home. There is no one at fault here, the blame lies in many various places and in many different decades.
The key is to find a solution. What needs to be done is the separation of territory. The Israeli government should give back more land to the Palestinian people including the West Bank and Gaza Strip and stop building settlements in the area at once.

A major problem is the lack of cross-cultural education and the unwillingness of both parties to come to a fair compromising agreement. Palestinians refugees outside of the conflicted area count in the millions. This is a humanitarian issue, yet nobody sees it as such.
The Israeli government, which has the financing and support of the West for decades, should be the initiator of peace, the one who compromises first, the 'docile' one. Arguably, Hamas and Fatah are still very dangerous even if there is a declaration of ceasefire.

Some Arab nations will not tolerate Israel. This is wrong. There is a great amount of intolerance when it comes to differences in belief, and with the history of these two peoples, the intolerance has increased exponentially. Israel, with it's mighty military, is one of the big kids on the block. When the big kid bullies someone too much, there will be retaliation. This I would not like to see, another Arab-Israeli war.

The peace process must continue. If we did not take sides (i.e. billions of dollars to Israel, and only international aid groups to help Palestine) the mediation would go much easier. If we did not takes sides (Arab + Arab vs Israel)... Israel has not yet understood the truth of it's wrongful conception. But it must agree to live in peace, and not displace people who have been there since before there was a state of Israel. Palestinian factions must learn to stop using violence as a communication method. I think the world has understood them, or at least heard their message. Through me, the voices of both Israeli people and Palestinian people are heard, through you, they are helped.

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