Saturday, December 15, 2007


We play and work with such enthusiasm. Until our bodies can take no more physically and mentally. Yet we strive to make our lives better, or more enjoyable. With each new advancement in technology we give ourselves more 'free' time. And this free time is spent doing things that make ourselves and others happy and relaxed.

Yet time is never truly free. We work for free time and would be lost if we stopped striving for this peace we allow ourselves every so often. We have gone, as the industrial evolution takes its toll, from simple farming from dawn to dusk, to filling our days with hundreds of complex and independent tasks that must be done simply to remain at our current status; socially, financially. And as the decades roll by, we find ourselves with more and more of our attention focused inwards, to keep ourselves from tumbling on the slope of life.

This is what I mean by fatigue. The tired ramblings on of societies that have lost perspective. Altruism is no longer the goal, with a curious pang of guilt I ask myself; 'Was it ever?' We have lost the perspective of the innocent, and materialism had become a deity of sorts. Given enough time, this phenomenon could completely desensitize us to our fellow human beings completely. And what would the world be without care and compassion, togetherness and acceptance.
We cannot allow this fatigue to put us to sleep or worse, self destruction. Morality and Altruism should be classes taught to school children. Because without constantly evolving education we slow down and/or stand still as a society.

Thank you for reading.

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