Monday, May 4, 2009

I've been away for a while. Thinking like no other. These days people seldom have time to spend on thought. Thoughts of anything other than their personal life. There is something to be said for altruism which apparently nobody likes to say. Much less practice. But that is another post.

Today I am going to breach the subject of the failing worldwide economy. To me it seems as if a long row a dominoes slowly toppling each other in slow motion.

On Bonuses:

It is absurd in my mind, and I should think most ordinary people would agree, that the people running these failing companies that we hear about (and the ones that don't) hardly deserve bonuses in the millions for their accomplishments. Some of these are passed off as "retaining bonuses". In other words, a sum of money to make sure the person stays with the position and does not opt for a better job. Bottom, most logical line, these people should have been fired as soon as the company started going in the red. Hockey coaches get fired sometimes after only one year of negative results. Ordinary people would be fired if they were responsible (which indirectly they are) for such massive losses in the respective companies. The fact that these people are getting bonuses in the multi-millions while their company is taking a dive says much more about the management of the company than the economic pressures and situation which supposedly brought them to this.

On Bailouts:

The only way a normal average person such as myself could condone a bailout of a company is if I truly believed that it would help the company and the economy as a whole. This is what they have tried to brainwash us with. Government spending in the hundreds of billions and ever trillion(s) is probably the least logical resort in my mind. It is an infusion of money into a system that already has burned all the money it had before through illogical and imperfect transactions and contracts. The problem is regulation as Mr. President Obama likes to put it. But he does not actually begin heavily regulating the bailout process. It has been simply a handout of an insane amount of money to the same people who have ruined their own capital and are now about to use the same (albeit slightly skewed due to Obama Gov. posturing) system that was a failure in the first place. Heavy regulation and a system of responsability and accountability is needed. It is talked about but not actually put into place as fast as one would like to see. The political ramifications and 'red tape' are the things that are impeding this change.

Others who would not truly need a 'bailout' are asking for it simply because they elligible.
Other companies recieve bailouts on the basis that the company will be "bailed out" only for this year and the year after this they will need another infusion of 'bailout' money.

GOLDEN RULE: Any and every company that recieved a bailout should in turn give property worth the same amout of the bailout capital to the government. Meaning the government should own whatever percentance of the worth of the company the bailout money signifies. If it is 100% or more, then the company becomes public and owned by the government.

This should be a golden rule. The implications are not as evil and Marxist as some poeple would have you believe.

This is in my mind essentially a GOLDEN RULE because it is fairly illogical for a company to be asking for government money. (Barring all the recent precedents.) No homeowner was bailed out when he couldn't pay his bills due to ineffective contracts, no small time business has been bailed out due to the insurmountable odds it is up against or its balance sheet. It is simply unfair and illogical to bailout ANY...ANY company.

The necessity arises and therefore we are doing it. Seemingly this is the fastest way out, but this is democracy and it is definitely NOT the fastest way to get out of the economical slump. In fact, is if the fastest way to ensure the economical slump to last for longer. The money spent on bailouts is borrowed money from international banks. This money will eventually have to come out of my, and your pocket. There is any number of things the governments could do to slowly bore their way into our pockets to get this money. It is ridiculous to expect anything more than getting taxed more and making less. This is how that money will be paid back, through the average Joe.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. This democratic system cannot work because the masses decide what to do. Not logic. Not REASON.

This has been a rudimentary, non-edited opinionated post. I will be more specific and concise when speaking of this in the future.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Prayer: Most will brand me pagan

It's almost impossible to escape, this matrix of hate,
When I see the world's way and my shoulders bare the weight.
There is no hope, only knowledge of a future and a better tomorrow,
My senses are the way to truth, and often need confrontation to awaken.
Forsaken for I don't believe what I've been told, early youth, wasted in the church's fold.
I heard myself is why I stopped, allowing something false to brand my thought.
Logic and reason,my sword and shield, truth my ideal and life my love.
Dragons be the cleric beasts, whose teeth have scarred my soul,
With guilt and deceit and lies of men, from which I must defend.
Life and limb I would sacrifice for truth, about their God and his inception,
Sense gives me my conclusion, it is but an illusion, unlike the self.
Some of us a gods, and some are fallen gods or devils, and we are all human.
I must account for my own actions, not look to the sky for answers,
I must not search a book for truth, but look into my soul for what is righteous,
I want to cause no harm, no pain, and teach the malevolent ones the same.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Israel vs Palestine - Synopsis Part 2

Truly, it would be completely illogical of me to say that the Israeli people should leave the area, since a great number of Jewish people have already made it their home. There is no one at fault here, the blame lies in many various places and in many different decades.
The key is to find a solution. What needs to be done is the separation of territory. The Israeli government should give back more land to the Palestinian people including the West Bank and Gaza Strip and stop building settlements in the area at once.

A major problem is the lack of cross-cultural education and the unwillingness of both parties to come to a fair compromising agreement. Palestinians refugees outside of the conflicted area count in the millions. This is a humanitarian issue, yet nobody sees it as such.
The Israeli government, which has the financing and support of the West for decades, should be the initiator of peace, the one who compromises first, the 'docile' one. Arguably, Hamas and Fatah are still very dangerous even if there is a declaration of ceasefire.

Some Arab nations will not tolerate Israel. This is wrong. There is a great amount of intolerance when it comes to differences in belief, and with the history of these two peoples, the intolerance has increased exponentially. Israel, with it's mighty military, is one of the big kids on the block. When the big kid bullies someone too much, there will be retaliation. This I would not like to see, another Arab-Israeli war.

The peace process must continue. If we did not take sides (i.e. billions of dollars to Israel, and only international aid groups to help Palestine) the mediation would go much easier. If we did not takes sides (Arab + Arab vs Israel)... Israel has not yet understood the truth of it's wrongful conception. But it must agree to live in peace, and not displace people who have been there since before there was a state of Israel. Palestinian factions must learn to stop using violence as a communication method. I think the world has understood them, or at least heard their message. Through me, the voices of both Israeli people and Palestinian people are heard, through you, they are helped.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Israel vs Palestine - The elephant and the mouse -Synopsis

This is a conflict unlike any other. Two states, one group of people removed from their forgotten homes, another group of people relocated for God's will and word. It is said that it is the divine plan. Presently, faced with aggressive government on one side and an allegedly corrupt prime minister on the other, the conflict can only get worse.
The two major factions of Palestine, Hamas and Fatah, have been at each others throats since 2003. Despite the fact that Hamas won the Palestinian elections in 2006, they have not been recognized and could not participate in official international negotiations in the past, and possibly in the future.
When WWII finished, Britain, after colonizing and trying to govern the region, and selling land to Jewish settlers(as the Ottoman Empire before Britain did) who have had it in their minds (according to the Hebrew bible) that the land which includes most of Palestine was promised to them, washed their hands of the region and handed the issue over to the UN(United Nations)

In 1947, the UN approved the partition of the area into two states(Israel agreeing but Palestine not). The general approval of Europe and the West no doubt had to do with the persecution of the Jewish people, and the fatigue of war. Thus grew Zionism and the Jewish settlement of Palestine and the dislocation of its people.
This dislocation of locals, subsequent settlement, conception and declared independence in 1948 of the state of Israel infuriated all Arab states in the area and erupted in various conflicts over the decades. Israel, with support from the west, has been victorious is most of these conflicts.

Surely, had a God been watching over us, this nonsense would have been the last straw. But since no divine intervention had come to aid, the Palestinian people formed the PLO(Palestine Liberation Organization)resulting in more military conflicts over the years that have seen changes in border lines, demilitarized zones, no fly zones, looming concrete barricades spanning kilometers and alienation of anyone by anyone who is of different creed.

In 1987, the First Intifada (Palestinian uprising against Israel occupiers) broke out. From this failed uprising, Hamas was born, which has been involved in armed resistance against Israel until now. In 2000, following the failure of the 1993 peace process, which saw no true agreements between the two states, the Second Intifada broke out, and has not officially ended. Hamas, the official-un-official government of Palestine does not recognize the state of Israel.

("What right did the Jewish settlers have to the land? Other than divine decrees. Other than the horrors of the holocaust, which does not give them the right to displace a people and take the land for themselves.")

Is it right or wrong? Objectively, seeing all these deaths for so little makes me cringe. What makes me depressed is that from a perspective of religion, again the blood of the innocent is spilled over what God may or may not have said according to man(key phrase here "ACCORDING TO MAN"). It sounds and is ridiculous. Logically speaking, the Israeli people have never had a right to that land and never will have a right to it, no matter how much money they paid the previous occupiers of that land.
I will make a small parallel. Imagine the United States started selling land in Iraq or Afghanistan to ... lets say... the Mormons because Joseph Smith wrote that it was the land of Mormons, information he acquired from golden plates found with the help of an angel, translated with magic stones.

Nevertheless, Palestinian support is lacking due to the aggressive stances they have had to take to keep their state alive. Without knowing the story we can not judge. Do not take my word for it. Please research the subject yourself. Israel is receiving billions from the west and European government, the Palestinian state seems willing to give itself up as a martyr. There is no balance.
Presently, Israel receives the majority of support because it is the most docile, the most forgiving and the most accepting when it comes to American demands and western culture.